Friday, May 23, 2014

Le Chiuse second interview

Le Chiuse Montalcino.
This is the second interview with the Le Chiuse family, descendants of the founders of Brunello
Where the first clone of Brunello was grown and the vineyard that was designated as the Riserva vineyard for Biondi Santi

Ferruccio Biondi Santi
Credited with cloning the first Brunello in the 19th century

Tancredi Biondi Santi, son of Feruccio who developed the world market for his Brunello
The family today. Simonetta (standing) granddaughter of Tancedi Biondi Santi


The beautiful oak room of Le Chiuse

Here is the link to our second interview with the owners of Le Chiuse in Montalcino.