Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Marabino owner and winemaker, Pierpaolo Messina

Pierpaolo Messina 
Marabino, Sicily

The Prince of Noto is Pierpaolo Massina, owner and winemaker of the amazing Marabino winery in the far south east of Sicily.
His wines are gaining attention all over the world for their quality and true reflection of the Noto Terroir. Pierpaolo himself acknowledges he is a little bit mad, a little bit eccentric and is totally commited to producing outstanding organic and biodynamic wines from this unique area in Sicily
Natural…natural…natural… these wines are the purest expression of the terroir and grapes from this area. Wines such as Nero d’Avola, Chardonnay and Moscato along with his special Nero d'Avola Riserva
Pierpaolo will be in Australia for a short time in late November and early December
Wine dinners have been organised in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. The Melbourne dinner is already sold out and the Sydney and Brisbane dinners are filling fast

Carolyna, Alan and of course Pierpaolo would love you to join them at the dinner

We hope you can be there!

The dinners will be held in:


Wednesday 22 November 2017 – Vine Restaurant
Download the Brisbane Invitation


Tuesday 28 November 2017 – One Ford Street
Download the Sydney Invitation


Wednesday 29 November – Sosta Cucina SOLD OUT

For further information contact Carolyna on or 0419 581 477